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Electrical Contacts: OEM, Replacement, Surplus or Remanufactured

Most industrial and manufacturing equipment utilizes motor control. Electromagnetic motor controls provide reliable and safe operation in a variety of harsh conditions. However, electrical contacts, a major operational element, do break down eventually.

The modern assembly lines turns 100. Thanks Mr. Ford.

While the precursors of the modern assembly line preceded Henry Ford it was the Ford motor company that fully realized its potential and ushered in modern manufacturing.

How will 3D printing affect electrical contact manufacturing?

Tremendous advances have been made in 3D printing, and the cost of 3D printers has been dropping steadily, causing many futurists to predict it will usher in a new industrial revolution. But the reality is a bit more complex.

Where are electrical contacts used?

Electrical contacts are found and used almost everywhere - from small contacts and/or relays in household equipment to large high-voltage switches in power plants, and every shape and size in between.

Three reasons to buy a replacement electrical contact instead of an OEM electrical contact.

Replacement electrical contacts are more affordable than the OEM contact. OEMs insist on premium pricing to recoup their development costs and to guard their premium brand position.

International: 856-762-0172
Domestic: 800-822-9190

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