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Article 2 (April 2017): GE Study Reveals Top 10 Cities Reaping Benefits of LED Adoption

April 26, 2017

A recent study by GE revealed the country's top 10 cities that are utilizing the benefits of LED lighting to its fullest, which is pretty interesting considering this study is based on residential use and not the cities themselves. In what parts of the country are people most interested in using LED lighting? What does that have to say about major retrofit projects in streets, schools, hospitals, or public buildings?

Cities like Seattle, Minneapolis and Oklahoma City are leading the charge and reaping the benefits when it comes to LED adoption, but there is still a long runway. Less than 20 percent of U.S. residential light sockets contain an LED bulb. Changing just one 60-watt light bulb to an LED could save as much as $130 in energy costs over the bulb's life.

Top 10 LED Cities
These cities are leaders in LED adoption, impacting the environment and shaving energy use and costs at home. Cities are ranked by percentages of residents who have purchased at least 1 LED bulb over the last year.
1. Seattle, WA – 35.5%
2. Minneapolis, MN – 32.9%
3. Oklahoma City/Tulsa, OK – 32.3%
4. St. Louis, MO – 32.2%
5. Richmond, VA – 30.5%
6. Orlando, FL – 30.1%
7. Hartford/New Haven, CT – 30%
8. Milwaukee, WI – 29.3%
9. Nashville, TN – 29.2%
10. Phoenix, AZ – 28.8%

LEDs are 70 to 90 percent more efficient than traditional light sources, leaving a big impact on the environment. If every American switched out one 60-watt traditional bulb with an ENERGY STAR® LED bulb, we'd save $566 million in annual energy costs. That's enough to light 2.6 million homes for a year.  Switching every bulb at home to an LED could save about $6,000 over the life of the bulbs.

Adapted From: The Electrical Distributor E-letter – April 6, 2017

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